Michael Spataro, the chief customer officer at Legion Technologies, shared insights into the challenges faced by hourly managers in the deskless workplace. These managers play a crucial role in employee experience, serving as a link between stores, employees, and corporate headquarters, and addressing issues that arise in-store. However, the labor shortage has led to understaffing, putting more pressure on managers. Additionally, inflation has resulted in more upset customers, with 41% of hourly workers reporting an increase in complaints due to higher prices.

A recent survey revealed that only 26% of frontline managers trust their company’s upper management, highlighting a disconnect between the needs of these essential employees and corporate policies. This disconnect poses a significant challenge in the tight hourly labor market. To retain staff and enhance overall operations, companies reliant on hourly workers must prioritize the well-being of their frontline managers. Managers express a desire for more automation to handle repetitive tasks and assist with decision-making but want to retain control over these processes.

Legion’s survey showed that managers prioritize intelligent automation for employee scheduling, with many still relying on manual methods like spreadsheets. Intelligent automation can offer more flexibility by matching shifts to business needs and employee preferences, reducing burnout and enhancing productivity. Providing self-service tools for employees to swap shifts and improving communication can also ease the burden on managers and reduce stress in the workplace.

Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for optimizing staffing levels and providing a positive customer experience. Understaffing and overstaffing can lead to issues like burnout and decreased sales. Intelligent automated forecasting tools can help managers make data-driven decisions and reduce the administrative burden, ultimately decreasing stress levels. AI-based solutions that account for various factors influencing demand can empower managers to optimize staffing decisions efficiently.

Technology can play a vital role in tackling burnout among managers, which can have a ripple effect on team morale and productivity. Investing in automation and technology can free up managers from manual tasks, allowing them to focus on supporting their team members and improving engagement. By automating time-consuming tasks like scheduling, managers can devote more time to fostering relationships with employees and customers, leading to higher sales and increased employee engagement.

The future of workforce management lies in employee-centric intelligent automation that empowers managers to create and manage schedules efficiently. Automated demand forecasting, labor planning, and scheduling processes can save time and effort, allowing managers to focus on essential tasks like customer service and team-building. Empowering managers with technology can improve efficiency, productivity, and engagement among frontline employees. By leveraging automation and technology effectively, companies can create a positive work environment and drive better business outcomes.

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