As a new political cycle is set to begin for the European Union with the upcoming elections in June, President Emmanuel Macron delivered a speech at the Sorbonne on April 25 outlining his vision for the future of Europe. This speech, similar to the one he gave in 2017, emphasized Macron’s ambition for Europe and highlighted the importance of the European project. Beyond summarizing the achievements of the past, Macron’s speech was programmatic, aiming to define a strategic agenda and propose a new European paradigm. In a world marked by instability, conflicts, and shifting geopolitical dynamics, Macron argued that the current model of the European Union is no longer adequate, and a new approach is needed.

This strategic shift was echoed by other European leaders, such as Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, who also advocated for a more assertive Europe on the global stage. Additionally, Enrico Letta presented a report on the future of the single market, and Mario Draghi outlined a forthcoming report on European competitiveness. All of these leaders acknowledged the increasing instability in the world and emphasized the importance of European unity in the face of global threats. The message was clear: a divided Europe risks losing relevance and influence in an unpredictable world.

This shared diagnosis of European challenges reflects the growing sense of powerlessness and fears of decline among European populations. The call for radical change is centered around three key issues: prosperity and competitiveness, power and security, and identity. Addressing these challenges requires common solutions to navigate current and future global transformations, such as Russia’s aggressive policies, the formation of blocs around China and the United States, climate change, and the rise of artificial intelligence. Macron warned that inaction could place Europe in grave danger, using dramatic language to emphasize the urgency of the situation.

Looking ahead, the upcoming European elections will be crucial in shaping the future direction of the European Union. Macron’s vision for a more integrated, assertive, and united Europe aligns with the growing consensus among European leaders regarding the need for a shift in approach to address the challenges facing the continent. As Europe grapples with internal divisions, external threats, and global transformations, the call for unity and common purpose is more pressing than ever. The fate of Europe, as Macron warned, hangs in the balance, and only through collective action and a renewed sense of purpose can the continent overcome the challenges ahead and secure its place in the world.

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