Stefan Leipold, the CEO of,, and Oceans Yachting, shared essential knowledge for yacht owners and service providers in the marina industry to keep vessels and customers safe and secure. He emphasized the importance of vetting crew members, monitoring cybersecurity threats, and maintaining multiple networks on vessels to protect assets and personal information.

Leipold highlighted the unique challenges faced in the marina industry due to the high value of yachts, sophisticated IT infrastructure, and the public figure status of many yacht owners. Contractors working with yacht owners have a responsibility to protect hardware, software, information, and identity using the best technology available. Education and training for onboard staff are essential to prevent potential cybersecurity risks.

In addition to implementing robust security measures, Leipold recommended having multiple networks set up on vessels for communication, navigation, crew, owners, and engine systems. It is crucial to restrict crew members’ access to certain functions and closely monitor all network activity to prevent potential security breaches. Being vigilant and prepared for any potential threats, such as cyberattacks, piracy, or kidnapping, is essential for yacht owners and their crew.

Leipold stressed the importance of crisis response time in the marina industry, as quick action can minimize damage to data, reputation, and clients. All equipment used on vessels should be redundant, licensed, and monitored remotely to ensure immediate responses in case of emergencies. This level of preparedness is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of yachts and their occupants.

In conclusion, Leipold’s insights provide a valuable perspective on the differences between corporate and yachting environments, emphasizing the critical need for stringent security measures in the marina industry. By following his recommendations and staying vigilant, yacht owners and service providers can better protect their assets and clients from potential security threats. The article provides a comprehensive guide for industry leaders looking to enhance cybersecurity practices in the marina industry.

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