Emily Hart, a travel influencer who goes by emilyventures on Instagram, recently detailed her experience of cyberbullying after sharing a post about living a happy, childfree life at age 37. The post went viral and attracted hateful comments from internet trolls, primarily males, who attacked her for her life choices. She received comments calling her “pathetic” and speculating that feminism had deceived her into thinking she was happy. Some commenters were women who sent messages telling her she would die alone and that no one wanted her.

The influx of negative comments impacted Hart’s mental health, leading to depression, digestive problems, low energy, panic attacks, angry outbursts, and skin breakouts. As a seasoned influencer, she was not new to receiving hate comments, but the magnitude and intensity of the backlash overwhelmed her. Despite trying to block hateful comments, they continued to pour in at an alarming rate, affecting her confidence and making her fear opening Instagram.

Hart shared that the hateful comments made her doubt herself and her decisions, forcing her to post follow-ups explaining that her current life choices were not set in stone and did not mean she would avoid marriage or having children forever. She emphasized that she was still determined to enjoy her life regardless of the cyberbullying she faced. The experience has significantly changed her perception of social media, making her anxious whenever she logged on to the app that previously filled her with confidence.

Despite the challenges she faced, Hart is using her platform to raise awareness about cyberbullying by sharing her story. As a solo traveler who has explored all 50 states and almost every national park, she aims to shed light on the damaging effects of online hate and encourage others to be vulnerable and honest about their experiences. Her hope is to clear the field for others who may be dealing with similar struggles and to promote understanding and empathy online. Through her journey, she has learned the impact of going viral and the importance of mental health in the digital age.

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