The current Ampel coalition in Germany, consisting of the SPD, Greens, and FDP, is facing criticism for pushing through controversial policies without considering the concerns of society or even their own coalition members. One example is the proposed Self-Determination Act, which aims to replace the outdated Transsexual Law. Despite internal discomfort within the coalition, the bill has not been passed yet, as it raises significant societal conflicts regarding the subjective identification of gender. The coalition’s determination to pass such laws, regardless of widespread doubts, reflects a rigid adherence to a post-factual ideology rather than a principled approach to governance.

Another contentious issue is the decriminalization of cannabis, which has faced opposition from within the Health Minister’s own party as well as from regional ministers. Despite concerns over the effectiveness of the law in terms of youth protection and law enforcement, the coalition has pushed it through stubbornly and jubilantly. This disregard for dissenting voices within the coalition signals potential challenges for the rest of its term, as compromises are made against individual convictions for the sake of unity.

The coalition’s actions reveal a lack of adaptability and willingness to reconsider decisions once a dead end is reached. Public dissatisfaction with the coalition’s performance is high, with 78% of citizens expressing varying degrees of dissatisfaction. The future of the coalition’s key social policy project, such as the Green Party’s proposal for a child basic security plan, remains uncertain due to internal disagreements. The proposal for a large bureaucracy to manage the plan has sparked criticism from coalition partners, indicating a lack of consensus within the coalition.

As the coalition continues to face challenges in implementing its agenda, particularly in the social policy sphere, it remains to be seen how it will navigate future decisions. The lack of flexibility and insistence on pushing through controversial policies may erode public trust in the coalition’s ability to govern effectively. It is essential for the coalition to demonstrate a willingness to listen to differing viewpoints and adapt its approach to governance in order to regain public confidence. Ultimately, the success of the Ampel coalition will depend on its ability to address pressing issues and prioritize the needs and concerns of society over ideological rigidity.

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