Seven years have passed since the author’s identical twin sister tragically passed away just hours after giving birth. Over time, the intensity of the grief has lessened but the pain and missing her sister remains. The immediate support from others has faded, and life has moved on, but the author still carries the loss with her every day. The impact her sister had on those who knew her remains, even though her name may not be spoken as often as before.

The author reflects on all the moments her sister has missed in the past seven years and those yet to come. It’s the everyday things that the author wishes her sister could be a part of, from family moments to pop culture trends. The fear of aging and losing the physical resemblance to her sister is a painful realization. Despite the grief and the desire for her sister to be there, the author has learned to live without her and has built a fulfilling life with her family and career.

In the midst of the ongoing grief, the author finds moments of joy and laughter in everyday life. Life continues to move forward, and the author has found resilience in navigating a new reality without her sister. The grief may evolve and change over time, but the core of missing her sister remains constant. The author acknowledges that life is good, despite the presence of grief, and finds hope and possibility in the future.

As time passes, the author knows that the grief will continue to shape shift and change in ways that are unknown. The memory of her sister will always remain, even as life continues to evolve and move forward. The author, inspired by her sister, has found a new purpose in speaking and writing about grief, sibling loss, organ donation, and maternal health. Through it all, the author holds onto the treasured identity of being a twin and finds strength in the love of her family.

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