Hunter Biden is facing multiple legal issues as new evidence in his upcoming gun-felony trial in Delaware debunks claims that his laptop and its contents are not authentic. The prosecution has stated that the laptop is real and contains significant evidence of Hunter’s guilt, and his iCloud data further corroborates this. Additionally, IRS whistleblowers have provided new evidence of Hunter lying in his sworn congressional testimony in February, potentially leading to perjury charges. The evidence also suggests that Hunter used his father’s name to shake down a Chinese businessman and received money in return.

In the summer of 2017, Hunter sent a threatening WhatsApp message to a Chinese businessman, demanding fulfillment of a commitment and warning of consequences if ignored. Shortly after, $5.1 million was sent to Hunter. Despite his claims that he was intoxicated and the message was sent to the wrong person, phone records show otherwise. Hunter also lied about his involvement in a shell company and denied helping obtain US visas. The latest evidence has severely damaged Hunter’s credibility ahead of his court appearance for charges related to his false statements on a gun purchase.

Whistleblower documents also highlight CIA involvement in protecting Hunter in a criminal investigation and the CIA’s role in discrediting claims about Hunter’s laptop being Russian disinformation. Evidence suggests that the CIA intervened in the investigation against Hunter’s associate Kevin Morris, limiting the pursuit of him as a witness. The House Judiciary Committee is expected to investigate further connections between Hunter and the CIA. Despite the legal challenges, Hunter’s tax trial has been postponed to a more favorable date, providing him with some relief.

The timing of Hunter’s legal issues could impact his father’s re-election campaign, particularly as the trial covers tax years during which Joe Biden played a role in the removal of Ukraine’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin. Foreign lobbying charges related to Burisma could also come into question during the trial. The pressure on Hunter to settle the case before trial will be significant, as the evidence against him continues to grow and undermine his credibility. The ongoing legal battles have placed the Biden family in a difficult position, with potential consequences for both Hunter and Joe Biden’s political future.

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