The Federal Government has halted the US Postal Service’s free COVID testing program, which allowed individuals to order free tests through the USPS. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its COVID isolation guidelines, now recommending that individuals be fever-free and have improving symptoms for 24 hours before returning to normal activities. Despite these changes, there are still ways to access free COVID tests, treatments, and vaccines.

One option for free COVID testing is through HRSA health centers, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration. By using HRSA’s locator tool, individuals can find a center near them and follow specific instructions for obtaining a free test. Another option is the Test to Treat program, which provides both testing and treatment for COVID infections at designated centers. Similarly, the ICATT program offers free testing to uninsured individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms.

In terms of free COVID vaccines and booster shots, the Department of Health and Human Services launched the Bridge Access Program to provide vaccines at no cost to uninsured individuals through local health departments and HRSA centers. The program is set to run until December 2024, allowing individuals to access free vaccines by visiting and selecting the “Bridge Access Program Participant” option. Additionally, the CDC has partnered with over 20,000 retail pharmacy locations nationwide to offer free vaccines through the modified ICATT program.

Overall, despite the changes in free COVID testing programs and guidelines, there are still options available for individuals to access testing, treatments, and vaccines at no cost. By utilizing HRSA health centers, Test to Treat locations, ICATT testing sites, and the Bridge Access Program, individuals can ensure they have access to the necessary resources for COVID prevention and treatment. It is important for individuals to stay informed about the available options and take advantage of these free services to protect themselves and others from the virus.

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