As an older Gen Z’er, it’s common to feel like you’re not where you’re supposed to be in life when seeing peers on social media traveling the world, starting families, or moving into their own place. However, there is no real timeline to follow in life, and everyone progresses at their own pace. To highlight this, Gen Z’ers from the BuzzFeed Community share their day-to-day lives in the Gen Z Journals series. One such individual is Haley, a 25-year-old digital marketer from Upstate New York, who provides a glimpse into her life and challenges she faces.

Haley is a digital marketer for a workers’ compensation insurance organization, making $82,500 a year. She is meticulous about budgeting, allocating every dollar to specific expenses like rent, groceries, therapy sessions, gas, car payments, and student loans. Despite her financial stability, she still feels the strain of student loan debt and the rising cost of living. Haley reflects on the decreased buying power and challenges faced by Gen Z compared to older generations at the same age.

In terms of her daily routine, Haley starts her day with work-related tasks, including responding to emails, creating social content, and designing graphics. She also balances personal interests like theatrical lighting and acting, which often extend into late hours. Haley is in a supportive relationship with her boyfriend, Conner, with whom she navigates the challenges of moving to a new apartment and planning for the future amid student loan debt. She values open communication and mutual support in their relationship.

Despite the financial constraints and uncertainties about the future, Haley finds solace in her supportive friends and close-knit family. She maintains strong connections with her parents, stepdad, sister, and half-siblings, making time to visit them regularly. While she feels the pressure to keep up with societal expectations and milestones, Haley reminds herself that everyone’s journey is unique, and comparing oneself to others on social media can be deceptive.

Haley acknowledges the challenges faced by her generation in terms of work culture, financial stability, and personal fulfillment. She sets boundaries with work to pursue her interests outside of her career and advocates for a healthier work-life balance. Despite the setbacks caused by student loan debt and the high cost of living, Haley remains optimistic about her future and her relationship with Conner. She looks forward to the possibility of starting a life together and achieving milestones like buying a house and getting married in the future.

In conclusion, Haley’s story reflects the realities and struggles faced by many Gen Z’ers in navigating adulthood, financial independence, and personal fulfillment. Through her experiences and reflections, she emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, seeking support from loved ones, and embracing individual paths instead of comparing oneself to others. While societal pressures and expectations may create feelings of inadequacy, Haley remains resilient in her pursuit of a fulfilling life, despite the challenges that come her way.

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