Bronx politicians criticized Governor Kathy Hochul after she made a statement suggesting that some black children in the Bronx do not know what a computer is. During a forum in California, Hochul expressed her desire to create a more diverse workforce in emerging fields like artificial intelligence. Lawmakers like Assemblywoman Karines Reyes, Assemblyman John Zaccaro, and Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo from the Bronx strongly disagreed with Hochul’s remarks, stating that Bronx children are intelligent, capable, and deserving of opportunities. The only Bronx politician who defended Hochul was Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who acknowledged that her words were hurtful but believed she genuinely wants to see all students succeed.

Hochul’s comments were made in the context of promoting her $400 million Empire AI initiative, aimed at building New York’s tech sector through partnerships with universities. Despite the backlash from Bronx politicians, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie expressed his belief that Hochul’s intentions were not malicious and emphasized the importance of providing equal access to technology for all students in the Bronx. The governor’s remarks were delivered at the Milken Institute Global Conference, where she outlined her plans to support the state’s tech industry and ensure that colleges remain competitive in evolving industries. Hochul’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the controversy sparked by her comments.

The Bronx lawmakers who criticized Hochul emphasized the brilliance, resilience, and untapped potential of children in the Bronx, refuting the suggestion that they are unaware of basic concepts like computers. Assemblywoman Karines Reyes expressed deep concern over Hochul’s remarks, highlighting the intelligence and capabilities of Bronx children. Assemblyman John Zaccaro echoed these sentiments, stating that Bronx children are not only competent but also deserving of the same opportunities as their peers. The lawmakers invited Governor Hochul to visit the Bronx and witness firsthand the intelligence and resilience of its residents.

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie acknowledged that Hochul’s words were both inartful and hurtful, but he believed that her true intention is to support the success of all students. Heastie called for collaborative efforts with Hochul to ensure that students in the Bronx have access to technology and opportunities for growth and development. Hochul’s comments, though criticized by Bronx politicians, were made in the context of her efforts to advance New York’s tech sector and provide educational opportunities for students in emerging fields. Despite the backlash, there is a call for constructive dialogue and action to support the educational and professional growth of all students in the Bronx.

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