Sergio De Caprio, also known as “Capitano Ultimo,” has launched his candidacy for the European elections on Cateno De Luca’s “Fronte della Libertà” list. The former anti-mafia carabinieri, known for arresting Totò Riina and previously hiding his identity with a mask, has decided to enter the political arena “far from the parties of the usual masters”. In front of a crowded audience at the Teatro Quirino in Rome, De Caprio declared that after 31 years, he is revealing his face to continue serving the Italian people with courage and humility, just as he did as a carabiniere.

De Caprio’s main focus is on sustainability, aiming to build an Europe of cities, ecosystems, renewable energy, citizens, and mayors who self-determine to create together the only possible policy – the politics of the common good. He expressed his determination to work together with others towards this common goal, emphasizing the importance of cooperation and unity in achieving positive change. De Caprio highlighted the significance of this mission and the role each individual can play in shaping a better future for all.

The former carabinieri’s decision to enter politics comes after his long history of serving the country and fighting organized crime. His courage and dedication in bringing down dangerous criminals have earned him recognition and respect from the public. De Caprio’s reputation as a man of integrity and honor has made him a symbol of justice and righteousness, and his decision to step into the political arena has drawn attention and support from many who believe in his values and principles.

De Caprio’s determination to continue serving the Italian people and fighting for the common good is evident in his decision to run for the European elections. His commitment to building a sustainable and inclusive Europe, where citizens and communities have a voice in shaping policies, reflects his belief in the power of collective action and collaboration. By standing up for what he believes in and working towards a better future for all, De Caprio embodies the spirit of public service and dedication to making a positive impact on society.

The launch of Sergio De Caprio’s candidacy for the European elections on Cateno De Luca’s list “Fronte della Libertà” marks a new chapter in his journey of service and dedication to the Italian people. His decision to reveal his face and enter the political arena symbolizes his commitment to transparency, honesty, and accountability in his mission to build a better future for all. De Caprio’s unwavering belief in the power of unity and cooperation to bring about positive change is reflected in his vision for a sustainable and inclusive Europe where the common good is prioritized above all else.

In conclusion, Sergio De Caprio’s decision to run for the European elections is a testament to his unwavering commitment to serving the Italian people and fighting for justice and equality. His vision for a sustainable and inclusive Europe, where citizens and communities have a say in shaping policies, reflects his belief in the power of collective action and collaboration. By stepping into the political arena and revealing his face to the public, De Caprio has shown his dedication to transparency and accountability in his mission to create a better future for all. His courage, integrity, and determination to fight for the common good make him a strong advocate for positive change and a symbol of hope for a better tomorrow.

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