South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem faced backlash after revealing in her upcoming memoir that she shot her 14-month-old hunting dog, Cricket, due to aggressive behavior. Noem defended her decision by citing South Dakota law, which allows for dogs that attack and kill livestock to be put down. She also mentioned Cricket’s history of biting people as a reason for her action.

The controversy surrounding Noem’s decision was fueled by excerpts from her book, in which she described Cricket as “less than worthless” and detailed her daughter’s confusion upon coming home to find the dog missing. The governor claimed that Cricket had an aggressive personality and was untrainable, resorting to attacking chickens on the farm.

In addition to the incident with Cricket, Noem revealed another anecdote from her book in which she killed a male goat described as “nasty and mean.” Despite receiving criticism for her actions, Noem reiterated her belief that tough decisions like this are common on a farm and highlighted the recent euthanasia of three horses that had been in her family for 25 years.

Online backlash against Noem included negative comments and speculation that her political career may have been damaged by the controversy. Critics accused her of being insensitive and called her out for her handling of the situation. Despite this backlash, Noem defended her actions in a Facebook post, emphasizing her role as a responsible parent, dog owner, and neighbor who follows the law and makes difficult decisions when necessary.

Noem’s leadership and ability to make tough decisions were highlighted in her post, where she explained that even in difficult situations, she takes on her responsibilities and does what is necessary. She emphasized that the easy way is not always the right way and acknowledged the challenges she faced in making the decision to shoot Cricket. Despite the negative comments on her post, Noem has remained firm in her stance and has continued to emphasize her commitment to following the law and doing what is necessary in difficult situations.

Governor Noem is known for her avid hunting and has shared photos of her trophy animal kills on social media. She has held political positions in South Dakota for a number of years and is currently in her second term as governor. Despite the controversy surrounding the shooting of Cricket, Noem’s actions have highlighted her leadership style, showcasing her willingness to make tough decisions even in the face of criticism.

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