Gigi Hadid playfully teased Ryan Reynolds about never looking like his wife, Blake Lively, even if he wears clothing from her Guest in Residence brand. She shared a photo of Reynolds sporting a pink Everywear cardigan from her line, joking that he won’t look as good as Lively. The model expressed appreciation for Reynolds supporting her brand and mentioned that Lively’s spring package is on the way, suggesting she try a cotton blend.

The friendship between Hadid, Reynolds, and Lively is evident as they often post photos together and engage in playful banter. Lively once joked that she and Hadid make a better couple while celebrating the model’s birthday in 2021. This lighthearted camaraderie is a reflection of their close relationship and shared sense of humor.

In addition to Reynolds, other celebrity friends of Hadid have been seen wearing her brand. Taylor Swift was spotted rocking a bright red knit from Guest in Residence while attending a Kansas City Chiefs game with tight-end Travis Kelce. Hadid shared a photo of Swift and Kelce embracing after the Chiefs’ victory, noting that the sweater appears to be lucky. The model congratulated Kelce and the Chiefs nation on the win.

Hadid’s Guest in Residence clothing line was launched in September 2022, featuring stylish and luxe pieces that have attracted attention from her celebrity circle. The brand has received praise for its unique designs and high-quality fabrics, with friends like Reynolds and Swift showing their support by wearing the clothing. The playful interactions between Hadid and her friends on social media further promote the brand and showcase its popularity among well-known personalities.

The positive feedback and celebrity endorsements for Guest in Residence have helped solidify its reputation as a trendy and fashionable clothing brand. By having influential figures like Hadid’s friends wearing her designs, the brand gains visibility and credibility in the fashion industry. The support from celebrities like Reynolds, Lively, and Swift highlights the appeal of Guest in Residence to a wide audience and contributes to its growing success in the competitive world of fashion.

Overall, Gigi Hadid’s Guest in Residence brand has become a favorite among celebrities, with stars like Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, and Taylor Swift showcasing its stylish pieces. The playful banter and camaraderie between Hadid and her friends on social media further enhance the brand’s image and appeal. By leveraging the influence and reach of well-known personalities, Guest in Residence continues to make a splash in the fashion world and attract attention from fashion-forward individuals looking for unique and luxurious designs.

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