Interest in AI careers is on the rise, leading many marketers to wonder how they can break into the field. According to industry expert Marc Cenedella, founder of Leet Resumes and The Ladders, and author of seven Amazon Careers #1 bestsellers, there are four key things marketers can do to land a job in AI. Firstly, demonstrating interest by showing a commitment to becoming an expert in the field through daily practice with AI tools is crucial. Additionally, staying informed by reading newsletters in the field and engaging in online forums can help marketers stay ahead of the curve.

When it comes to updating their resume and cover letter, Cenedella advises against using generic AI tools like ChatGPT. Instead, he recommends using specialized AI tools like Leet Resumes to create a standout resume that sets applicants apart from the competition. By using these tools, marketers can ensure that their resume showcases their unique skills and experiences in a way that appeals to prospective employers. This can help them land a job in the competitive field of AI more quickly and easily.

In addition to updating their resume, marketers looking to break into the field of AI should also focus on using the right tools to showcase their skills and experiences. By using specialized AI resume writing services like Leet Resumes, applicants can create a resume and cover letter that highlights their unique qualifications and helps them stand out to hiring managers. These tools can guide applicants through the process step-by-step, making it easier for them to create a compelling resume that highlights their expertise in AI.

Overall, breaking into the field of AI requires a combination of demonstrating interest, staying informed, and using the right tools to showcase one’s skills and experiences. By following the advice of industry experts like Marc Cenedella and leveraging specialized AI resume writing services, marketers can increase their chances of landing a job in AI. With the demand for AI talent on the rise, now is the perfect time for marketers to take the necessary steps to position themselves for success in this exciting and rapidly growing field.

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