Sports Betting Dime provides exclusive sports betting commercial content to Newsweek, including real-time odds, picks, analysis, and premier sportsbook offers to help sports fans get in on the action. Tackle Sunday’s postseason games with the latest DraftKings + FanDuel promo code offers, where new customers can receive $350 in bonus bets after their initial $5 wagers on each site, win or lose. These no-brainer offers give new users a combined $350 in bonus bets, with DraftKings offering an instant $200 payout and FanDuel offering $150 in bonus bets. Customers can enjoy a jam-packed Sunday with must-watch playoff games in the NBA and NHL, using the betting markets available on both sites to pursue withdrawable cash winnings.

Join DraftKings and FanDuel to claim outstanding promos and compare the best lines for popular games in the NBA and NHL Playoffs. FanDuel offers a $150 welcome bonus for first-time bettors, who can secure that bonus by following the provided step-by-step instructions. On the other hand, DraftKings offers a $200 bonus that is instantly received through their “Bet $5, Get Instant $200 Bonus” promotion. FanDuel Sportsbook also routinely offers profit boost tokens, while DraftKings has in-app offers like the “No Sweat” Same Game Parlay, where they cover a losing bet with a bonus refund.

Newsweek may earn an affiliate commission if you sign up through the links provided in the article. However, sports betting operators have no influence over newsroom coverage. It’s important for gamblers to wager responsibly, and any individuals with gambling problems should call the National Council on Problem Gambling at any time. It is essential to be 21 years or older to gamble legally in participating states. The $350 in bonus bets offered by DraftKings and FanDuel can provide customers with a great opportunity to enjoy a variety of betting markets and potentially win withdrawable cash winnings.

Fans of sports betting can benefit from the DraftKings + FanDuel promo code offers, where new users can access $350 in bonus bets after their initial $5 wagers on each site. DraftKings and FanDuel provide a range of betting markets for customers to explore, whether it’s an elimination game in the NBA, a casual matchup in MLB, or a popular game in the NHL Playoffs. By comparing the best lines and taking advantage of the bonus offers through these promo codes, customers can enhance their sports betting experience and potentially win cash prizes.

In conclusion, the DraftKings and FanDuel promo code offers provide new customers with a fantastic opportunity to access $350 in bonus bets and enjoy a myriad of betting markets across various sports. By following the step-by-step instructions for each site, first-time bettors can secure the $200 instant bonus from DraftKings and the $150 welcome bonus from FanDuel. As fans gear up for must-watch games in the NBA and NHL Playoffs, these bonus bets can enhance the excitement and potentially lead to profitable outcomes. Wager responsibly and make the most of the opportunities presented by DraftKings and FanDuel to elevate your sports betting experience.

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