The CDU has made a U-turn on the suspended conscription policy, and the defense expert of the CDU/CSU faction has immediately called on Defense Minister Boris Pistorius to make concrete proposals for the gradual reintroduction of conscription. The Union is willing to engage in discussions based on the decisions made at the CDU party congress in Berlin. The new CDU program states that the suspension of conscription will be gradually rolled back to establish a mandatory community service year and introduce a contingent conscription to strengthen the personnel readiness of the Bundeswehr until then.

Florian Hahn, the defense policy spokesman for the Union faction, welcomed the CDU decision, stating that the gradual reactivation of conscription is necessary to make the Bundeswehr part of Germany’s overall defense capability. He emphasized that it is not about coercion or influencing young people, but rather about quickly establishing a credible democratic deterrence and defense capability against authoritarian threats from the East. The necessary preparatory measures, such as reinstating conscription registration and adjusting the Bundeswehr’s training organization, must now be implemented to enable the situation-appropriate and rapid reactivation of conscription.

The proposed contingent conscription by the CDU involves Bundeswehr experts determining the personnel requirements for a year, only selecting individuals who are needed to meet that demand for conscription. The suspension of conscription in 2011 under Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg was followed by the dissolution of essential structures like local draft boards. However, it is legally established that conscription for men will be reintroduced in times of tension or defense.

In response to the changed security situation following Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is exploring various models of national service, including the Swedish conscription model where all young men and women are assessed, but only a portion of them serve in the military. This approach resembles the CDU’s concept of reintroducing conscription gradually. The CDU’s shift in policy comes amidst concerns over Europe’s security and the Bundeswehr’s manpower shortage, with a focus on building up defense capability and national will in the face of authoritarian threats.

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