George R.R. Martin, author of the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, expresses his admiration for Stephen King’s novels, stating that he has read almost all of King’s works. He praises King’s ability to captivate readers and make it impossible to put his books down once they have been opened. Martin acknowledges King’s prolific output, noting that he may have missed a few of his novels due to their sheer number, but emphasizes his unwavering interest in King’s storytelling.

Kelly Link, author of “The Book of Love,” recalls reading King’s “Skeleton Crew” at the age of 16 and being spellbound by the collection of stories that delved into otherworldly horrors. Link highlights the impact of stories like “Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut,” “The Jaunt,” and “The Raft,” which have stayed with her throughout her life. She mentions how these tales have influenced her perception of certain situations, such as her wariness of floating docks.

Sissy Spacek, known for her roles in King adaptations like “Carrie” and “Castle Rock,” reflects on the lasting impact of King’s debut novel, “Carrie.” She describes how the story resonates with readers by giving a voice to the underdog, a theme that continues to be relevant even after 50 years. Spacek acknowledges King’s ability to create memorable characters and intricate narratives that leave a lasting impression on audiences.

Diablo Cody, screenwriter of films like “Jennifer’s Body” and “Lisa Frankenstein,” reveals her connection to King’s characters, particularly Carrie and Chris Hargensen. Cody explains how she identified with Carrie’s plight but also felt a mix of pity and disgust towards her. She was drawn to the character of Chris Hargensen, who stood out as a rebellious and unapologetic figure, inspiring Cody to craft similar characters in her own works, such as Jennifer in “Jennifer’s Body.”

Overall, these testimonials highlight Stephen King’s enduring influence on a diverse range of creators and audiences. His ability to craft compelling narratives, complex characters, and elements of horror that resonate with readers from various backgrounds is evident in the impact he has had on authors, actors, and screenwriters alike. King’s work continues to captivate audiences and inspire new generations of storytellers with his unique blend of horror, suspense, and humanity.

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