The French Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, initially refused to participate in a televised debate with the leader of the far-right National Rally party, Marine Le Pen, as he was not the lead candidate. He only agreed to face off against the party’s top candidate, Jordan Bardella, as their group is the largest among the opposition. However, after some deliberation, Attal has agreed to the debate, which will take place on May 23rd on France 2 and will be moderated by journalist Caroline Roux.

The head of the Renaissance party, Valérie Hayer, is struggling in the polls, with only 15% support compared to Jordan Bardella’s 31%. She is closely followed by the candidate for the Socialist Party, Raphaël Glucksmann, who has 14% support. This has led President Emmanuel Macron to urge his Prime Minister to become more involved in the European election campaign. As a result, Attal will speak before Valérie Hayer at a Renaissance party meeting on May 7th in Paris.

The televised debate between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella is highly anticipated, given the current political landscape in France. With the rise of far-right sentiment in the country, the outcome of the European elections is crucial. Attal’s decision to take part in the debate shows his willingness to engage with the opposition and make his voice heard. The debate will provide a platform for both candidates to present their policies and ideas to the French public.

The debate between Attal and Bardella will be a significant event in the lead-up to the European elections. As the head of the government, Attal’s performance in the debate could have a significant impact on the outcome of the elections. The French public will be closely watching the debate to see how each candidate presents themselves and their parties. This will be an important opportunity for both candidates to showcase their leadership and vision for the future of France in Europe.

Attal’s decision to participate in the debate reflects the importance of the European elections for the future of France. As the country grapples with internal and external challenges, the outcome of the elections will shape the direction of the nation. Attal’s involvement in the campaign shows his commitment to engaging with the issues facing France and his determination to lead the country forward. The debate will be a key moment in the election campaign and will influence the choices of the French electorate.

Overall, the upcoming debate between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella is a significant event in the run-up to the European elections. It will provide a platform for both candidates to present their visions for the future of France and Europe. Attal’s decision to participate in the debate reflects his recognition of the importance of the elections and his willingness to engage with the opposition. The outcome of the debate could have a significant impact on the election results and shape the political landscape in France for years to come.

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