Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Rassemblement National (RN), has recently become more active in campaigning for the upcoming European elections. She is supporting Jordan Bardella, who is leading the RN list in the polls. The RN hopes to make the elections a referendum against President Emmanuel Macron. Marine Le Pen has criticized Macron’s European record, while the government is also actively campaigning to defend Macron’s seven-year record and breathe new life into Valérie Hayer’s campaign.

Marine Le Pen, in a visit to Bergères, Aube, has been vocal in attacking Macron and his government, stating that she is not afraid of them and is not intimidated by their actions. She believes that the government tries to distract from their European record by focusing on irrelevant issues. The RN is currently leading in the polls, with the PS-Place publique list following closely behind, while the presidential camp is striving to rejuvenate their campaign with speeches and meetings.

The RN has been accused by Gabriel Attal, who has taken aim at their position on the European Union. Attal criticizes the RN for allegedly wanting to be outside the EU while not fully admitting to it, accusing them of having a hidden agenda. He refers to the RN as “anonymous europhobes” and suggests that they are not transparent about their true intentions. The RN’s approach to the EU and their campaign tactics are being closely analyzed and challenged by the presidential camp.

Both Marine Le Pen and the RN are focused on making the European elections a platform for anti-Macron sentiment. They believe that Macron’s record in Europe has been subpar and are actively campaigning to highlight this to voters. The RN is determined to maintain its lead in the polls and to present a clear and compelling alternative to Macron’s policies. By actively engaging in public appearances and criticism of the government, they aim to solidify support for their campaign.

The presidential camp, on the other hand, is working hard to defend Macron’s record and policies in Europe. They are striving to counter the RN’s attacks and present Macron as a strong leader with a positive impact on European affairs. Through speeches, meetings, and responses to RN criticisms, they are attempting to sway voters in favor of Macron and his vision for the future of France within the EU.

In this tense political climate, both sides are engaging in a heated debate over European policies and the future of France within the EU. Marine Le Pen and the RN are leading the charge against Macron, while the presidential camp is fighting back to defend their record and policies. The outcome of the European elections will have a significant impact on the direction of French politics and the country’s relationship with the EU. It remains to be seen which side will emerge victorious in this high-stakes battle for political supremacy.

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