Eric Garcetti, the former mayor of Los Angeles, who was confirmed as the U.S. Ambassador to India in 2023, has a personal connection with the country. His first trip to India was at age 14 with his family, visiting multiple cities across the country. His second trip, at age 19, was to stay at the U.S. Embassy with a friend’s father who had become the U.S. Ambassador to India. Garcetti never imagined he would one day hold the same position.

One of the key issues Garcetti has focused on during his time as Ambassador is improving visa wait times for Indians. U.S. President Joe Biden specifically asked him to work on this issue, acknowledging the importance of facilitating travel between the two countries. Garcetti and the embassy have managed to reduce visa wait times from 1,000 to 250 days, making it easier for Indians to travel to the U.S.

Garcetti also highlighted the growing interest in travel from India to the U.S., noting that while more Indians are interested in visiting the U.S., there is a shift happening towards a more balanced exchange. He emphasized the importance of cultural exchange and building relationships between the two countries. Garcetti personally enjoys connecting with Indians through food, recognizing the diversity and richness of Indian cuisine.

In terms of tourism, Garcetti mentioned the improving travel infrastructure in India, with the country opening a new airport every week. He sees great potential for India as a tourism destination and believes that with the right execution, the country can attract more visitors. He also played a key role in bringing cricket to the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles, a move that has the potential to boost interest and investment in the sport in the U.S.

Garcetti believes that the U.S.-India relationship is one of the most consequential in the world today. He emphasized the significant contributions of people of Indian origin in the U.S., both economically and culturally. Garcetti sees the “Indian dream” as comparable to the “American dream” and believes there is much to be learned from India in terms of reviving confidence in achieving one’s goals. He highlighted the importance of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of Indian Americans in various fields.

In conclusion, Eric Garcetti’s tenure as the U.S. Ambassador to India has been marked by efforts to strengthen ties between the two countries through improved visa processes, cultural exchanges, and promoting tourism. His personal connections and experiences in India have informed his approach to diplomacy, and he remains optimistic about the future of the U.S.-India relationship. By focusing on areas of mutual interest and collaboration, Garcetti aims to enhance cooperation and understanding between the two nations.

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