Viewers of Britain’s Got Talent have expressed disappointment at the presence of three acts from Japan during a recent episode. Some fans felt that the show, with its name, should be exclusively for British contestants. The frustration was evident when judge Simon Cowell awarded his Golden Buzzer to Cyberagent Legit, a professional Japanese dance group. Social media platforms were flooded with comments questioning why acts from Japan were included and suggesting that the show should be renamed to reflect its global nature.

Despite the backlash, some viewers were impressed by the performances, especially from the beatboxing group Sarukani. The group, comprised of four talented beatboxers, received a standing ovation for their rendition of the Ghostbuster’s theme tune during their audition. Viewers uncovered Sarukani’s past successes, including winning the Beatboxing World Championship in 2023. The group’s popularity continued to soar after the audition, with fans praising their skills and stage presence.

Sarukani, aged between 21 and 24, not only won over the audience but also captivated the judges with their performance on Britain’s Got Talent. The group expressed gratitude for the support they received and shared their plans for the future, aiming to become recognized as the best beatbox crew globally. Sarukani’s journey to success included performances at festivals and collaborations with renowned artists like Steve Aoki. Their talent and dedication to their craft have propelled them to international acclaim.

While the show faced criticisms over the inclusion of international acts, such as Geneviève Côté from Canada, viewers were mesmerized by her unique talent in creating nature sounds and animal impressions. Despite receiving praise and a unanimous vote from the judges, it was noted that Geneviève had previously appeared in other Got Talent shows, receiving Golden Buzzers along the way. This sparked controversy among fans, who felt that multiple chances on such platforms diminished the credibility of the talent competition.

Britain’s Got Talent has faced accusations of favoritism and unfair opportunities for contestants who have appeared in multiple Got Talent shows globally. The debate over whether participants should be allowed to showcase their talents across various editions continues to stir conversations among audiences. As the show progresses, viewers remain divided over the inclusion of international acts and the impact of previous experiences on contestants’ chances of success. Despite the controversies, the diverse range of talents displayed on the show continues to captivate audiences worldwide, highlighting the global appeal of Britain’s Got Talent.

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