Former white nationalist spokesperson R Derek Black has come out as transgender in their debut book, revealing their identification as LGBTQ and use of they/them pronouns. Black gained fame at age 10 for appearing on “The Jenny Jones Show” to promote white supremacist beliefs, stemming from their father’s involvement with the KKK. They attended New College in Sarasota, Florida in 2010, which led to Black’s acceptance of their gender identity and disillusionment with the white supremacist movement.

The memoir delves into Black’s experience of gender dysphoria since childhood, with a secret joy in being mistaken for a girl. Despite their racist rhetoric on TV and as a child, Black’s long, flowing hair was significant in their journey of self-discovery. Their college years saw them dating a Jewish woman and attending Shabbat dinners, going against their family’s anti-Semitic beliefs. Despite their involvement in hosting a neo-Nazi radio show, Black kept their gender identity and college friendships separate.

Black’s college friends eventually discovered their white nationalist past, leading to their ostracization. However, it wasn’t until 2013, after conversations with their now-wife Allison Gornick, that Black publicly disowned their history of white nationalist activism. Their marriage in 2020, during lockdown, marked a turning point in Black’s life, allowing them to fully embrace trust and love. Black recognizes Gornick’s impact on changing their perspective and preventing them from continuing to uphold harmful ideologies.

Currently, Black works as an advocate for antiracism, focusing on supporting trans individuals, especially in the face of targeted attacks in Florida. They reflect on the challenges they would have faced growing up in today’s political climate as a transgender individual, highlighting the importance of self-acceptance and support for those facing similar struggles. Black’s father, who continues to run Stormfront, a white supremacist website, serves as a stark contrast to Black’s journey toward a more inclusive and accepting worldview.

Despite their challenging past, Black’s story serves as a beacon of hope for those navigating personal struggles with identity and beliefs. Their memoir showcases the power of self-acceptance, love, and growth in overcoming deeply ingrained prejudices and finding a path toward advocacy and support for marginalized communities. Black’s journey from a former white nationalist to an advocate for antiracism and transgender rights is a testament to the transformative power of compassion, understanding, and self-reflection in dismantling harmful ideologies and embracing authenticity and inclusion. With their newfound identity and focus on supporting marginalized communities, Black embodies the potential for growth and positive change, inspiring others to confront and overcome their own biases and embrace a more compassionate and understanding worldview.

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