The Time Air Historical Society recently brought an artifact of aviation history, the Time Air Fokker F28-1000 passenger jet, back to Lethbridge after a long journey. This 85-foot aircraft with 65 seats was purchased by the historical society in 2019 from a company in Saskatoon, where it had been sitting for 22 years. Rik Barry, the chairman of the Time Air Historical Society, shared that this aircraft is one of four currently owned by the organization. A team of volunteers disassembled parts of the airliner in Saskatoon before embarking on an 800-kilometer journey to Lethbridge. The wings had to be removed, with approximately 300 bolts per side, due to the old-school technology used in its construction.

The Time Air Historical Society is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. Despite not having finished work on the plane yet, they are thrilled to see it back in Lethbridge. Jesse Millington, the board director of the historical society, expressed his excitement about bringing the aircraft to its new home after facing several challenges along the way. The group’s long-term goal is to establish an aviation museum in Lethbridge to showcase planes like the Time Air Fokker F28-1000. Millington emphasized the importance of making aviation accessible to everyone through this museum project.

The journey of bringing the Time Air Fokker F28-1000 back to Lethbridge involved careful planning and coordination. The aircraft had been sitting in Saskatoon for over two decades before being acquired by the Time Air Historical Society. Volunteers had to disassemble the wings by removing approximately 300 bolts per side before transporting the plane to its new location. Rik Barry highlighted the significance of the old-school technology used in the construction of the aircraft, which made it possible for them to undertake this project successfully.

The Time Air Historical Society’s efforts to preserve aviation history and educate the public are commendable. By acquiring and bringing back the Time Air Fokker F28-1000 to Lethbridge, the organization is showcasing a piece of aviation heritage that would have otherwise remained untouched. Despite the challenges faced during the process, the volunteers are dedicated to their mission and aim to establish an aviation museum in Lethbridge in the future. This museum will serve as a platform to engage the community and foster a deeper appreciation for aviation history among visitors of all ages.

The completion of the journey to bring the Time Air Fokker F28-1000 back to Lethbridge marks a significant milestone for the historical society. The success of this project reflects the hard work and determination of the volunteers who made it possible. With plans for a dedicated aviation museum in the city, the organization is poised to make a lasting impact on the community by providing a space for learning and exploration. The efforts of the Time Air Historical Society in preserving and showcasing aviation history are a testament to their commitment to honoring the legacy of the aviation industry in Lethbridge and beyond.

Overall, the return of the Time Air Fokker F28-1000 to Lethbridge signifies a meaningful moment in the city’s aviation history. The dedication of the Time Air Historical Society volunteers to bring this aircraft back to its former home demonstrates their passion for preserving aviation heritage. With plans for an aviation museum in the works, the organization is poised to further their mission of educating and engaging the public in the rich history of aviation. The arrival of this artifact in Lethbridge is a reminder of the importance of preserving the past and inspiring future generations to appreciate the impact of aviation on society.

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