Maintaining a tidy home is more than just a chore – it can lead to a happier and calmer life. A clean and organised living space can reduce stress, anxiety, and increase productivity and sense of accomplishment. Melissa Caverly, the founder of Imagine Maids, shares five tips to keep your home tidy year-round. Making your bed each morning can set the tone for the day and make your room feel more organised. Keeping a cleaning bin in each room can encourage more frequent cleaning since all supplies are easily accessible. Monthly donations can help declutter your home and ensure that you are keeping only the items you truly value.

Closing down the kitchen each night like restaurant workers do can ensure a clean and mess-free space for the next day. Chore stacking is a technique that allows you to multitask and tackle multiple cleaning tasks efficiently. By using the time it takes for your dishwasher or washing machine to run to do other chores like dusting or decluttering, you can maintain a clean mindset and keep your home tidy. Snacking on healthy options like nuts, veggies, or fruits and staying hydrated with water can also help you stay focused and energised throughout the day.

Maintaining a tidy home is important for overall well-being. It can create a sense of calm and clarity and help you feel more in control of your environment. By implementing these expert tips, you can cultivate habits that will keep your home sparkling year-round. From making your bed each morning to decluttering and donating items monthly, these simple tweaks can help you create a happy and calming living space. So, embrace these habits and enjoy a tidier and more peaceful home every day.

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