Prince William and Kate Middleton’s marriage has grown stronger over the course of 13 years. Despite facing various challenges, including the death of William’s grandparents, Prince Philip and the Queen, as well as ongoing disputes with Prince Harry, the couple remains united. Former royal butler Grant Harrold identified five key aspects that have contributed to their strong bond. Firstly, their shared sense of humor, with both of them being funny individuals who enjoy each other’s company. Secondly, prioritizing family has been crucial for the couple, who always put their children first. Building their relationship on friendship, having shared interests, making time for each other, and being romantic have further strengthened their bond.

Grant Harrold emphasized that Prince William and Kate Middleton have a strong sense of humor, with William balancing his serious side with a humorous one, much like the Queen. Kate’s humor often leads to laughter between the two. Additionally, both putting their family first has been important for the couple. They share a commitment to prioritizing their children’s well-being and happiness. Their friendship, which was formed during their time at St. Andrews before they fell in love, has laid a strong foundation for a happy marriage. This friendship, coupled with shared interests like sports, has helped them establish a deep connection.

The couple’s habit of being tactile and affectionate towards each other, such as holding hands or placing a reassuring hand on each other’s back, reflects their closeness. Grant noted that their physical closeness reminded him of the relationship between the Queen and Prince Philip. Both William and Kate make a conscious effort to make time for each other by going on date nights away from their parental responsibilities, focusing on nurturing their relationship as husband and wife. William’s romantic gestures, such as organizing a candlelit dinner for Kate on Valentine’s Day, show his thoughtfulness and commitment to keeping the romance alive in their marriage.

Despite external challenges, including the ongoing family disputes and personal health battles, Prince William and Kate Middleton have demonstrated resilience and unity in their marriage. Their ability to find humor in situations, prioritize their family, build a friendship-based relationship, share hobbies and interests, and make time for each other has been key to their lasting bond. Grant Harrold’s insights into the couple’s dynamic shed light on the strength and depth of their relationship. As they continue to navigate the complexities of royal life, William and Kate’s commitment to each other and their family remains unwavering – a testament to the enduring power of love and partnership.

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