Kim Kardashian, known for her reality TV show and business ventures, has been using her celebrity status to advocate for criminal justice reform. She recently joined Vice President Kamala Harris at a roundtable discussion to highlight President Joe Biden’s efforts in this area. Kardashian had previously worked with Jared Kushner in the Trump administration to help secure clemency for individuals with non-violent drug offenses who were serving long sentences. The Biden White House invited four individuals who had been granted clemency by the president to share their stories of redemption and success post-release.

During the roundtable, Harris emphasized the concept of redemption and the importance of giving individuals a second chance to reintegrate into society. The participants, including Jason Hernandez, Bobby Lowery, Jesse Mosley, and Beverly Robinson, all spoke about their successful careers and expressed gratitude for their pardons. Mosley mentioned new opportunities opening up for him, such as being able to apply for government jobs. Kardashian, who successfully lobbied Trump to commute the sentence of Alice Marie Johnson, has continued her advocacy work in criminal justice reform and praised the individuals’ stories shared at the roundtable.

Despite her past work with Trump on criminal justice issues, Kardashian acknowledged that their relationship has soured, with Trump publicly criticizing her as overrated. However, she focused on the positive aspects of their collaboration, particularly Trump’s signing of the First Step Act and his efforts in prison reform. In contrast to Trump, Biden has taken a more traditional approach to clemency, granting pardons and commutations for individuals convicted of non-violent drug offenses through established processes at the Justice Department. The White House reports that Biden has commuted sentences for 122 people and granted pardons for 20 individuals, including a sweeping pardon for those convicted of marijuana possession.

Kardashian’s involvement in criminal justice reform has brought attention to the issue and the need for reforming outdated laws that lead to disproportionately long sentences for non-violent drug offenses. The roundtable with Harris and the individuals granted clemency by Biden served as a platform to highlight success stories of redemption and second chances. The participants shared their experiences of rebuilding their lives after incarceration and expressed gratitude for the opportunities they have received. Kardashian reiterated the importance of amplifying these stories and continued her advocacy work in supporting individuals who have been unjustly imprisoned.

The collaborative efforts of celebrities like Kardashian, government officials like Harris, and the Biden administration in criminal justice reform have shown progress in granting second chances to individuals affected by outdated laws. By focusing on redemption and providing support for re-entry into society, the administration aims to create a more just and equitable system for those impacted by harsh sentencing laws. The stories shared at the roundtable underscored the transformative power of clemency and highlighted the potential for positive change when individuals are given the opportunity to earn their way back into society. Kardashian’s continued involvement in advocacy work signals a commitment to promoting reform and supporting those in need of a second chance.

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