The theme of natality is very dear to me. Every gift of a child, in fact, reminds us that God has confidence in humanity, as emphasized by the motto ‘Being there, the younger, the more future’. Our ‘being there’ is not by chance: God wanted us, he has a great and unique project for each of us, no one excluded. In this perspective, it is important to meet and work together to promote natality with realism, foresight, and courage. This was Pope Francis’ complete speech at the General States of Natality.

Pope Francis highlights the importance of natality as a sign of God’s trust in humanity. The birth of each child is a gift that represents God’s plan for each individual. He emphasizes the idea that our existence is not random, but that each of us has a purpose and a role in God’s grand design. This perspective calls for a collective effort to promote natality with realistic, forward-thinking, and brave initiatives.

The motto ‘Being there, the younger, the more future’ emphasizes the idea that the presence of young people is essential for the future. Pope Francis stresses the importance of recognizing the value of each individual and working together to create a society that fosters natality. This requires a holistic approach that takes into account the needs of families, communities, and society as a whole.

Pope Francis calls for a proactive approach to promoting natality, urging individuals to come together and support policies and initiatives that will encourage families to have children. He emphasizes the need for collaboration and unity in working towards this common goal. By promoting natality with realism, foresight, and courage, society can ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

The message delivered by Pope Francis at the General States of Natality serves as a call to action for individuals and communities to take responsibility for promoting natality. This involves recognizing the importance of each child as a gift from God and working together to create a society that values and supports the growth of families. Through collaboration and unity, individuals can contribute to a future that is filled with hope and opportunity for all.

In conclusion, Pope Francis’s speech highlights the significance of natality as a reflection of God’s trust in humanity and the importance of working together to promote the birth of children. By embracing a realistic, forward-thinking, and courageous approach to natality, individuals can contribute to creating a society that values each child and supports families in fulfilling their calling. The message serves as a reminder of the potential that lies within each individual and the importance of fostering a culture that celebrates life and the gift of each new generation.

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