The true manual of resistance is not held by Pedro Sánchez, but by the people in the streets of Ferraz, their neighbors, and the businesses on the surrounding sidewalks and streets. The resistance manual is evident in the events that unfolded on Saturday, with Socialist supporters gathered around a visibly upset man, pleading with him not to leave, recognizing that the night dies without him. The resilience of the neighborhood is further demonstrated on Sunday, with streets redirected for the Maratón de Madrid, highlighting the vibrant activity in the area. Amidst all this, a group of individuals has been meeting daily since November, gathering around a large cross and constitutional flags to pray for Spain, mixing in insults towards Sánchez, his party, his family, and various other groups. This form of Catholicism is as unique as it is divisive.

The enduring spirit of resistance and resilience is also demonstrated by the faithful who enter the Inmaculado Corazón de María church and are confronted with stickers featuring Franco’s face framed by the Spanish flag. Rather than reacting with outrage, they remain unperturbed. The neighborhood, characterized by old money and well-stocked refrigerators, awakens later than other areas with lower household incomes. Dog owners are the only early risers on the sidewalks, headed towards Parque del Oeste in the morning. The previous day, the landscape was different, with Socialist supporters mingling among them, visibly showing their allegiance with flags and attire. Despite some residents noting the outsiders, the neighborhood retains its usual tranquility on a Sunday morning.

The scene on Sunday morning is familiar, with impeccably groomed elderly gentlemen carrying newspapers and bread, along with rowdy youths by the Debod temple who appear to have continued their night out. The laughter of the law enforcement officers at the nearby police station adds to the city’s morning soundtrack, signifying a mix of serenity and liveliness. Outside the Convent of the Sisters of the Compañía de la Cruz, the line of people waiting for breakfast and provisions extends around the corner, highlighting the diverse realities within Spain. Despite the challenges and noise pollution, various churches and charitable organizations provide support and sustenance to those in need.

The proximity of these realities is what has the most impact on the community. The resilience and resistance seen in the neighborhood are a testament to the strength and solidarity of the people in Ferraz. By subscribing to the daily news, readers can stay informed and engaged with the ongoing events and developments in the area. Despite the challenges and tensions, the neighborhood continues to thrive and persevere, showcasing the true spirit of resistance in the face of adversity. The diverse array of individuals and activities in the neighborhood highlights the rich tapestry of life and experiences in Ferraz, making it a place of resilience, community, and hope for the future.

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