The PP has regrouped and is attacking Pedro Sánchez after the initial confusion. They believe Sánchez is preparing for a vote of confidence in Congress, which they anticipate he will pass with the support of Catalan separatists. PP leader Feijóo has dismissed Sánchez’s emotional response to his wife’s legal troubles as a political survival tactic. The party does not believe Sánchez will resign, and Feijóo has suggested that he may even succeed in a vote of confidence, but will eventually fall. The PP fears Sánchez may emerge victorious from what they see as a political maneuver behind his letter.

Feijóo has demanded explanations from Sánchez regarding his wife’s professional activities and the judicial investigations affecting his government. The PP has been focused on attacking the professional activities of Sánchez’s wife in recent weeks. Feijóo’s speech ranged from serious to ironic, criticizing Sánchez for subjecting the nation to international embarrassment. He mocked Sánchez’s five-day reflection period, calling it a spectacle and questioning his seriousness as a president. The PP has compared Sánchez to Carles Puigdemont and questioned his responsibility in the current situation.

The PP sees both risks and opportunities in the current political landscape. They believe the government’s viability has been severely damaged by the judicial process against Sánchez’s wife and see a chance to gain power sooner rather than later. Despite the uncertainty surrounding Sánchez’s potential resignation, the PP is determined to continue undermining his position. The party is prepared to take advantage of the situation to further weaken Sánchez’s leadership and potentially accelerate their path to power.

The PP remains united in their attack on Sánchez, refusing to believe his claims of victimhood or his contemplation of resignation. Feijóo has made it clear that Sánchez will not be granted an easy exit and will likely face a vote of confidence in Congress. The party is critical of Sánchez’s actions and sees his period of reflection as a political ploy rather than a genuine consideration of his future. As the political situation remains uncertain, the PP is monitoring Sánchez’s next moves closely, ready to capitalize on any opportunity to erode his authority further.

Despite the ongoing legal issues surrounding Sánchez and his wife, the PP remains focused on their goal of weakening the current government and positioning themselves as a viable alternative. Feijóo’s strong stance against Sánchez’s tactics and his criticism of the president’s leadership style demonstrate the party’s determination to challenge the current administration. With the political landscape in flux, the PP sees an opportunity to capitalize on the situation and potentially accelerate their path to power. As they continue their attack on Sánchez, the PP remains united in their efforts to undermine his leadership and advance their own agenda.

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