Today marks the Feast of the Ascension, also known as Ascension Thursday, commemorating Jesus Christ’s bodily ascension into heaven 40 days after His resurrection. Fr. Kyle Doustou, a priest of the Diocese of Portland, reflects on this event as a metaphor for growing up and letting go. He shares a personal experience of leaving home for seminary at 19, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. Despite his initial panic, words from his grandmother urging him to “grow up” eventually resonated with him, leading to a realization that letting go is essential for personal growth.

The Ascension is acknowledged as a joyous occasion, but Doustou also emphasizes the disciples’ sense of loss as they watched Jesus ascend into heaven. After having walked, lived, and learned from Him, they were left grappling with the absence of the physical presence of their Lord. The transition from tangible companionship to an intangible faith was undoubtedly challenging for them. However, Doustou suggests that the Ascension signifies a new way of experiencing Christ’s presence – through the body of believers, His Church.

In letting go of their physical dependence on Jesus, the disciples were able to embark on the mission He entrusted to them, known as the Great Commission. Through their preaching, teaching, baptizing, and other acts of service, they were able to spread the teachings of Jesus to all peoples in all generations. This transition from a direct, physical relationship with Christ to a more abstract, spiritual connection was necessary for the growth and expansion of the early Christian community.

Doustou encourages believers to reflect on what they may be holding onto that hinders their spiritual growth, whether it be bad habits, sinful behaviors, or attachments to transient things. By letting go of these obstacles, individuals can authentically pass on the faith to future generations and proclaim the eternal truths of the Gospel. The Ascension serves as a reminder to prioritize the enduring aspects of faith over the temporary distractions of the world.

Ultimately, the Ascension of Christ offers a profound opportunity for believers to assess their own spiritual journey and consider what they need to release in order to mature in their faith. Just like the disciples had to let go of their physical dependence on Jesus to fulfill their mission, modern-day Christians must be willing to release anything that hinders their ability to bear witness to the Gospel. As the Church continues to grow and evolve, the message of the Ascension remains relevant in guiding believers towards a deeper, more mature relationship with God.

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