Fashion Week is often compared to the Olympic Games in the world of fashion, where designers showcase their latest collections. While attending these shows is exciting, it also involves long hours and hard work for those in the industry. A writer shares their experience of attending fashion shows from morning till night and the toll it takes on their health. Despite being someone who generally maintains healthy habits, they found that Fashion Week caused most of these good habits to be broken.

To track the impact of Fashion Week on their health, the writer used an Oura Ring, a smart device that monitors sleep, wellness, and physical activity. One key metric that the Oura Ring tracks is the “Readiness” score, which assesses how prepared the body is to handle stressors. The writer’s overall readiness score for the month was below optimal at 64, indicating that their performance was not at its peak. However, their average readiness score between New York Fashion Week and Shanghai Fashion Week was a more respectable 75.75.

During the week spent at Shanghai Fashion Week, the writer’s activity levels were lower compared to the weeks prior. The average Activity score for the month was 79, but it dropped to 70 during the week of shows in Shanghai. This decrease in physical activity was attributed to the long hours spent at shows and appointments, as well as missing out on regular workouts. Despite the intention to increase step count and incorporate better workouts in the future, the writer acknowledges the challenges of doing so during the busy show season.

In addition to tracking activity levels, the writer also observed changes in their sleep patterns during Fashion Week. The Oura Ring provided insights into the quality and duration of their sleep, which are crucial for overall health and well-being. The writer noted that their sleep patterns were disrupted during this period, with shorter and less restful nights. This lack of quality sleep can have negative effects on physical and mental health, highlighting the importance of prioritizing rest even during hectic periods like Fashion Week.

Overall, the writer’s experience with the Oura Ring during Fashion Week shed light on the impact of the intense schedule on their health and well-being. While the excitement of attending shows and reporting on them is undeniable, it is essential to prioritize self-care and maintain healthy habits. By being mindful of the effects of long hours, lack of sleep, and decreased physical activity, individuals in the fashion industry can take steps to support their overall health during these busy periods. As the writer reflects on their experience, they recognize the importance of finding a balance between work and wellness to ensure longevity in their career.

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