The family of Tyler Thompson, an American caught up in a failed coup attempt in Congo, expressed shock and heartbreak over his involvement in the incident. Thompson, who was on vacation with family friends in Africa, had no prior history of political activism, according to his stepmother Miranda Thompson. He was named by the Congolese army as one of the Americans involved in the coup attempt along with a convicted marijuana trafficker and the son of the alleged leader, Christian Malanga. Malanga was shot dead by Congolese forces after resisting arrest, and six people were killed in the attack on the presidential palace and a residence of a close ally of President Felix Tshisekedi.

The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, condemned the attack in a call with Tshisekedi and offered assistance from the U.S. in the investigation. The stepmother emphasized that Thompson was not politically engaged and was simply excited to explore the world with his family friends. She described him as a good, hardworking, and respectful young man and expressed confusion over how he became involved in the coup attempt. The U.S. Embassy in Congo stated that it was awaiting evidence from the Congolese government to verify the arrested individuals’ American citizenship before providing consular services to them.

The Congolese government has not provided a date for when the suspects, including Thompson, will appear in court. The situation remains ongoing as authorities continue to investigate the failed coup attempt that resulted in multiple fatalities. Thompson’s family, as well as the U.S. government, are seeking clarity on the circumstances surrounding his involvement and are eager to ensure his safety and well-being during this challenging time. The incident has raised questions about how an American tourist like Thompson became embroiled in such a dangerous and volatile situation, highlighting the unpredictable nature of international travel and the potential risks associated with political unrest in certain regions.

The events in Congo have caused distress and concern among Thompson’s loved ones, who are working closely with authorities to understand the sequence of events that led to his involvement in the coup attempt. As they await further developments in the case, they are hopeful that Thompson will receive appropriate legal support and consular services to protect his rights and ensure his safety while dealing with the aftermath of the failed coup. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of caution and vigilance when traveling abroad, as unforeseen circumstances can arise that may put even unsuspecting individuals at risk of being caught up in dangerous situations beyond their control.

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