President Joe Biden campaigned in Pennsylvania, making false and misleading claims on various topics, including his earnings, seniors’ prescription drug spending, China’s demographics, and his past travel to Iraq and Afghanistan. He also told a story about his late uncle, Ambrose Finnegan, being eaten by cannibals during World War II, which contradicts the official Defense Department account of the incident. Biden’s salary is $400,000 per year, and his joint tax filings with First Lady Jill Biden show significant income in recent years. While Biden did earn less than $400,000 per year before 2017, he has since made millions from book deals and speeches.

During a speech in Scranton, Biden claimed that seniors will never have to spend more than $2,000 a year on prescription drugs starting in 2024, but this cap actually takes effect in 2025. Additionally, the cap is indexed to inflation and may increase in future years. When Biden spoke about China having more retired people than working people, experts noted that while the ratio is changing as the population ages, Biden’s claim was exaggerated. Biden also mentioned the tax rates of billionaires, stating that the average federal tax rate is 8.3%, but this figure includes unrealized capital gains and is not an accurate reflection of what billionaires actually pay.

Biden boasted about cutting the federal budget deficit by over $1 trillion during his administration, attributing this reduction to his policies. However, analysts have pointed out that the deficit fell significantly due to emergency pandemic relief spending under the previous administration, and Biden’s actions have contributed to higher deficits overall. Regarding his visits to Iraq and Afghanistan, Biden claimed to have been there 36-38 times as a senator and vice president, but records from his 2020 campaign show he visited a total of 21 times. Biden also told a dramatic story about his uncle being shot down in New Guinea and eaten by cannibals, which contradicts the official Defense Department account of the incident.

Overall, Biden’s statements during his Pennsylvania campaign swing contained a mix of false and misleading claims on various topics. From his earnings to prescription drug spending to tax rates to budget deficit reduction, fact-checkers have found inaccuracies and exaggerations in his remarks. Additionally, Biden’s recounting of his uncle’s tragic story deviated from the official record, raising questions about the accuracy of his anecdotal storytelling.

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