Dennis Quaid learned the importance of leaving his acting roles on set after preparing extensively for his portrayal of Jerry Lee Lewis in the 1989 film Great Balls of Fire! His dedication to the character led to him spending days focused on playing the piano for 12 hours a day for a year, which he admitted was made easier due to being on cocaine. Despite Lewis being known for his struggles with substance abuse before his death at age 87 in 2022, Quaid found a new appreciation for the piano and continues to play to this day.

Following his role as Jerry Lee Lewis, Quaid struggled with cocaine addiction and checked into rehab, which he referred to as “cocaine school,” while also dealing with personal challenges such as his marriage to Meg Ryan and fatherhood. Through his recovery, Quaid learned the importance of not letting work consume his entire life and the necessity of letting go of things that can’t be brought home. Despite the hardships he faced, Quaid was able to find solace in playing the piano and was able to continue his successful career in Hollywood.

One thing that has been instrumental in Quaid’s sobriety is his return to his Christian faith, which has guided him on his journey towards recovery. This newfound perspective on life has allowed him to appreciate the opportunities that come his way, such as starring in The Long Game, a family-friendly film that tells the true-life story of Mexican-American youths who defy the odds to win a golf championship. Quaid believes that people go to the movies not just to see things, but to feel things, and hopes that audiences will find hope and relatability in the film.

Despite turning 70 in April and celebrating his birthday, Quaid remains optimistic about his future both personally and professionally. Married to Laura Savoie since 2020, Quaid is grateful for the experiences he has gone through and the wisdom he has gained over the years. He finds that life becomes easier to navigate with age, as he is able to approach challenges with a sense of perspective and appreciation. Quaid is content with where he is in life and is enjoying every day to the fullest.

Overall, Quaid’s journey through addiction, recovery, and personal growth has shaped him into the person he is today. By learning to separate his work from his personal life, finding solace in his faith, and appreciating the small moments in life, Quaid has been able to overcome adversity and find happiness. His dedication to his craft and his ability to connect with audiences through his performances continue to be a driving force in his career, as he remains excited about what the future holds both on screen and off.

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