British and Spanish foreign ministers recently met to discuss the status of Gibraltar post-Brexit, with significant progress being made. The meeting, which included representatives from Gibraltar and the European Commission, aimed to address issues such as airport, goods, and mobility. Both parties expressed optimism about reaching a deal before European elections in June. Gibraltar, with its population of 34,000, heavily relies on access to the EU market.

Gibraltar, a territory ceded to Britain in 1713, has been the subject of a sovereignty claim by Spain. Over the years, relations between the two countries have been characterized by ups and downs. A major point of contention has been the control of the Gibraltar airport, which would serve as an external border of the EU under the proposed agreement. The U.K. and Gibraltar have resisted Spain’s demand for Spanish border officials to be stationed at the airport, which is also used by the Royal Air Force.

In the 2016 Brexit referendum, 96% of voters in Gibraltar supported remaining in the EU, highlighting the territory’s strong connection to the bloc. Talks between the U.K., Spain, Gibraltar, and the European Commission have been ongoing since Brexit in 2020, with 19 rounds of negotiations held so far. While a final agreement was not expected during the recent meeting, the presence of senior political figures from all parties is seen as a significant step towards reaching a resolution.

The uncertain status of Gibraltar has been a key concern for its residents and businesses, as well as for Spain and the U.K. Finding a solution that ensures smooth passage of people and goods across the Gibraltar-Spain border is crucial for all parties involved. The recent talks in Brussels were described as constructive, with general political lines agreed upon. Negotiations will continue in the coming weeks to finalize the EU-UK Agreement, with the hope of reaching a deal that satisfies all parties.

Both Spanish and U.K. officials have expressed confidence that a deal can be reached, signaling a positive outlook for the future relationship between Gibraltar and the EU. The importance of maintaining open communication and cooperation among all stakeholders was emphasized during the meeting. With the deadline for a deal approaching, all sides are working towards a resolution that ensures the continued economic stability and prosperity of Gibraltar while addressing the concerns of Spain and the EU.

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