In recent weeks, there has been growing concern in the public opinion about the international situation, from the situation in the Red Sea to the resurgence of ISIS with the massacre in Moscow, to the two ongoing wars for which there seems to be no immediate solution. Nearly 3 out of 4 Italians, 74%, view favorably the recent United Nations resolution for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, hoping to stop the killing of Palestinian civilians and for Hamas to release Israeli hostages. This data comes from a survey conducted by the Demopolis Institute. On the other side of the war, 67% of Italians express fear of a possible escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the coming months, with direct involvement of Europe and Italy; only 18% are not concerned. Recent remarks by French President Macron suggesting potential European troop intervention in the conflict have also contributed to increased tension.

According to the director of Demopolis, Pietro Vento, an option to send NATO troops to Kiev is considered wrong by 85% of Italians, who believe that such a choice would lead to a third world war. Opposition to this idea is consistent across all political groups. This 85% figure in Italy, as recorded by the Demopolis Institute, is more emphatic compared to other European countries, where the opposition to Macron’s proposal is also clear: 76% of Germans and 74% of French people disagree with sending troops to Ukraine. The survey was conducted by the Demopolis Institute on a national sample of 2,000 interviewees, statistically representative of the Italian adult population.

The survey results reflect the widespread concern in Italy regarding the ongoing international conflicts and the possibility of further escalation, particularly in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The majority of Italians are in favor of the recent UN resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza and hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflicts. The strong opposition to the idea of sending NATO troops to Kiev underscores the fear of a potential third world war among Italians, who view such a move as a dangerous escalation of the already volatile situation in Eastern Europe. The survey also highlights the differences in opinion between Italy and other European countries regarding potential military intervention in Ukraine, with a significant majority of Italians opposing the idea.

The findings of the survey conducted by the Demopolis Institute shed light on the complex and delicate geopolitical situation in which Italy and Europe find themselves. The public opinion in Italy reflects a deep concern about the possibility of further escalation of conflicts and the potential consequences of military intervention in the ongoing wars. The survey results also show a clear opposition to the idea of sending NATO troops to Ukraine, with Italians fearing the repercussions of such a move. The data underscores the importance of diplomatic efforts and peaceful resolutions to international conflicts, as well as the need for leaders to listen to the concerns and opinions of the public in making decisions about foreign policy and military intervention.

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