The first face-to-face debate between the candidate of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, and the Macronist candidate, Valérie Hayer, took place on May 2nd, nearly a month before the European elections. Bardella, from the far-right National Rally, and Hayer, head of the Macronist list, presented two opposing visions on agriculture, Ukraine, and immigration during the two-hour debate on BFM-TV. Bardella focused on nationalizing the election, targeting President Macron and his policies, while Hayer portrayed herself as a candidate deeply committed to Europe, emphasizing the need to strengthen the EU.

During the debate, Bardella, the favorite in the polls, repeatedly nationalized the issues and criticized Macron’s policies, highlighting the recent protests by farmers. Hayer, on the other hand, criticized Bardella for his alleged duplicity and accused him of cutting her off. She emphasized her strong support for a united Europe and the need to reinforce it to benefit France and its citizens. The discussion also touched on recent tragic events, with Hayer condemning the National Rally for using these incidents for political gain, while Bardella advocated for firm measures to address the rising insecurity in France.

The candidates debated the situation in Ukraine, with Bardella opposing Macron’s stance on potential troop deployment and advocating for supplying Ukraine with the necessary defense equipment. Hayer defended Macron’s strategic ambiguity and highlighted Bardella’s voting record on European matters, accusing him of being inconsistent. The discussion also touched on Macron’s proposal for a European defense system including nuclear weapons, with Hayer supporting the idea as a means of strengthening European security, while Bardella criticized it as compromising France’s interests.

The candidates also clashed on agricultural policies, with Bardella criticizing EU trade agreements for undermining French farmers, while Hayer defended the Common Agricultural Policy as essential for supporting French agriculture. They also discussed immigration policies, debating the recent EU migrant pact and the need for solidarity among member states. Hayer praised the pact for regulating irregular immigration, while Bardella opposed it for imposing mandatory migrant redistribution.

The debate also delved into the history of the National Rally, with Hayer challenging Bardella to condemn Jean-Marie Le Pen’s past statements and actions. Bardella acknowledged the antisemitic remarks made by Le Pen but dismissed Hayer’s focus on the party’s history as a distraction from important issues. The candidates will meet again in a televised debate with other major candidates on May 21st, just before the European elections, providing voters with another opportunity to assess their platforms and positions.

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