Russell, the designer behind the brand ERL, has launched a new Made in California collection that will complement his main line. This collection, which will be available exclusively on a new ERL e-shop, features more luxurious and expensive versions of the items ERL is known for. The pieces include cheeky plaid boxers, sun-bleached tees, worn-in flannels, and dyed sweatpants that Russell models during interviews. Russell describes this collection as the epitome of California style and says that capturing the perfect sun-faded and worn look took two years of experimenting with dyeing techniques. The T-shirts alone involve 40 steps in their production process to achieve the desired color and feel.

In addition to the clothing items, Russell is particularly excited about the socks in the collection, calling them his favorite piece. Despite being one of the most expensive items on the site, he claims that they are incredibly comfortable due to the high-quality yarn sourced from Japan. The attention to detail and quality in the production of these socks is evident when you hold them, according to Russell. Overall, the Made in California collection represents Russell’s vision of California style and his dedication to creating pieces that reflect the essence of the state.

The Made in California collection will coexist with ERL’s main line, which is produced in collaboration with Dover Street Market in Comme des Garçons factories worldwide. By creating this collection, Russell aims to offer a more upscale and refined version of his signature designs. The items in the new collection feature unique washes, colors, and finishes that give them a distinct lived-in and sun-faded appearance. These elements, combined with the intricate dyeing and production techniques employed, contribute to the overall premium quality of the collection.

One notable aspect of the Made in California collection is the emphasis on creating a balance of color and texture in each piece. Russell explains that achieving the right look for the garments required a significant amount of experimentation with different dyeing methods and fabric treatments. For example, the seemingly basic red T-shirts in the collection actually underwent a complex 40-step process to achieve their final appearance. This commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail is evident throughout the collection, showcasing Russell’s dedication to producing high-quality clothing that embodies the spirit of California style.

Russell’s passion for capturing the essence of California style in the Made in California collection is evident in his creative process and approach to design. Through a meticulous and thoughtful approach to fabric selection, dyeing techniques, and production methods, he has succeeded in creating a collection that encapsulates the laid-back, sun-soaked aesthetic of the state. The combination of luxurious materials, advanced manufacturing processes, and unique design elements sets the collection apart and establishes it as a premium offering within the ERL brand. By further developing his vision of California style through this collection, Russell continues to push boundaries and redefine the concept of casual luxury in contemporary fashion.

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