Dr. Nicole Martin, a cast member of “Real Housewives of Miami,” recently announced that she gave birth to her second child with fiancé Anthony Lopez via C-section. She shared the news on Instagram Stories and mentioned that both she and the baby girl are recovering well, despite the unexpected early delivery. Martin expressed her gratitude for the warm wishes from her followers and mentioned that she might take a break from social media while they recover.

The reality star previously welcomed her first child, son Greyson, in 2019. In 2023, Martin revealed on Instagram that she was expecting her second child, making Greyson a big brother. She and Lopez shared the news in a sweet video where they pretended to read from a fake newspaper announcing the pregnancy. While Martin had been keeping her baby bump hidden in social media posts, she did share ultrasound images. Her co-stars congratulated her, with Guerdy Abraira expressing her excitement to be an aunt to the new baby.

In a tragic turn of events, Martin also shared the heartbreaking news of her father’s sudden and unexpected death. She posted photos with her late father on Instagram, reminiscing about the good times they had together. Abraira and other “RHOM” cast members offered their condolences and support during this difficult time for Martin. Despite the grief of her father’s passing, Martin has continued to focus on the positive memories they shared and the improvements they made together.

Martin has been a main cast member of “Real Housewives of Miami” since Season 4, joining the show in 2021. In the same year, she got engaged to Lopez during a romantic New Year’s Eve trip to Aspen. The couple’s engagement was well-received by fans and followers, who were happy to see Martin find love and happiness in her personal life. As she navigates the challenges of motherhood and the loss of her father, Martin continues to share her journey with her supporters on social media.

As Martin and Lopez adjust to life with their new baby girl, they are grateful for the love and support they have received from their friends, family, and fans. Despite the challenges of recovering from a C-section and the unexpected early delivery, Martin remains positive and focused on her family’s well-being. The arrival of their second child marks a new chapter in their lives, filled with joy, love, and the unconditional bond of family. With the support of her loved ones, Martin is embracing motherhood once again and sharing her experiences with her followers.

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