Michael McFall, the co-founder and co-CEO of BIGGBY COFFEE and author of the Inc. Original books GRIND and GROW, shares insights on effective leadership. He emphasizes that many leaders believe they are doing a great job, but their teams may feel differently, especially regarding communication, recognition, and support. Studies have shown that there is often a disconnect between how managers perceive their leadership abilities and how their employees perceive them.

While not all bosses are underperforming, many leaders are unsure of their effectiveness. McFall introduces five tests to determine if one is truly leading well. These include being transparent about one’s shortcomings as a leader, inviting and rewarding genuine feedback from the team, thanking team members for helping in personal growth, viewing the team as mentors, and investing in their success. These practices are essential for building trust and creating a culture of continuous improvement within an organization.

Transparency about one’s shortcomings as a leader is crucial in building trust with the team, according to McFall. Being open and vulnerable allows for a more honest and trusting relationship with team members. Genuine feedback is a valuable gift that great leaders welcome and use to improve performance. Expressing gratitude for feedback also strengthens the relationship between leaders and team members, fostering a culture of continuous growth and improvement.

In addition to seeking advice from outside mentors, McFall advises leaders to see their team members as valuable mentors. Team members can provide unique insights into team dynamics and organizational norms that outside mentors might not be aware of. Investing in the success of team members is essential for effective leadership. Providing timely feedback, both publicly and privately, and offering personalized coaching are ways to demonstrate commitment to the team’s success.

McFall encourages leaders to love, lead, learn, and grow in their roles. By prioritizing transparency, feedback, gratitude, mentorship, and investment in their team’s success, leaders can create a positive, trusting, and engaged work environment. By continuously seeking ways to improve and support their team, leaders can ensure long-term success and growth for their organization.

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