Players of Helldivers 2 are celebrating a victory against Sony after the company reversed its decision to require new and existing players to link their Steam accounts to a PSN account to continue playing. The demand was problematic for many players, especially in 177 regions where it was not possible to create a PSN account without using a VPN. This move led to player outrage, prompting PlayStation to delist Helldivers 2 from sale in those regions, although the decision was later reversed.

However, the situation is still unresolved as players in the 177 regions are still unable to purchase the game. Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt is working with PlayStation and Valve to address the delisting issue, but there is uncertainty about when the game will be available for purchase again in those regions. Pilestedt’s efforts to make the game accessible everywhere are ongoing, but it is unclear why the delisting has not been reversed despite the removal of the PSN linking requirement.

The lack of communication from Sony about the delisting issue is concerning, as Pilestedt has not received confirmation that the game will be relisted in the affected regions. While Pilestedt acknowledges that he cannot control Sony’s decisions as the publisher, he is committed to ensuring that Helldivers 2 is available to all players. The current situation has left players in the 177 regions in a frustrating position, with existing players able to continue playing but new players unable to purchase the game.

It remains unclear why the delisting of Helldivers 2 in the 177 regions has not been reversed despite the removal of the PSN linking requirement. Pilestedt’s efforts to work with PlayStation and Valve to resolve the issue are ongoing, but there is uncertainty about when the game will be available for purchase again in those regions. The lack of communication from Sony about the situation is disconcerting, as it leaves players in those regions unable to access the game.

The game is currently in a strange place where existing players in the 177 regions can continue playing Helldivers 2, but new players are unable to purchase the game. Pilestedt’s commitment to making the game available everywhere is clear, but the lack of clarity about the delisting issue is frustrating for players. The ongoing uncertainty surrounding the availability of Helldivers 2 in the affected regions remains a point of concern for both players and developers.

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