A person wrote to Dear Abby about being allergic to scents and suffering severe health problems as a result. The person’s husband has a friend who wears a strong scent that causes allergic reactions even after he has left their home. The person is experiencing discomfort and pain, such as bloody noses, as a result of this scent. The husband refuses to address the issue with his friend because he doesn’t want to come across as rude. The person is seeking advice on how to inform the friend about the issue without offending him.

Dear Abby advised the person to have a conversation with the friend before his next visit to explain the allergy problem and ask him not to wear the triggering scent in their home. This may be an uncomfortable discussion, but it is essential to ensure the person’s well-being. It is not impolite to communicate such health concerns to others in order to prevent allergic reactions and discomfort. By addressing the issue directly, the person can hopefully avoid any future negative health effects caused by the friend’s strong scent.

Another individual wrote to Dear Abby about their daughter’s change in behavior since getting married and having children. The daughter no longer treats her mother like she used to, and the relationship between them has become strained. The mother wants to be involved in her grandchildren’s lives and have a close relationship with them, but her daughter keeps pushing her away without any explanation. The writer is seeking advice on how to address the situation and improve the relationship with their daughter and grandchildren.

Abby suggests that the daughter may be feeling insecure about her children’s love and affection for her compared to their grandmother. The writer could propose family counseling to address the underlying issues causing the strained relationship, although the daughter may not be receptive to this suggestion. Alternatively, finding other activities and interests to engage in with the spouse may help fill the emotional void caused by the strained family relationship. One suggestion is to volunteer for programs like Foster Grandparents to spend time with children in a different context, which may help fulfill the desire for interaction with grandchildren.

In conclusion, Dear Abby offers guidance and advice to individuals facing difficult family situations and relationship challenges. Whether dealing with health issues caused by allergic reactions to scents or navigating strained relationships with adult children, Abby provides thoughtful suggestions for addressing these issues. By addressing problems directly, seeking counseling when needed, and exploring alternative activities to fulfill emotional needs, individuals can work towards resolving conflicts and improving their overall well-being and relationships.

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