In recent developments, 50 Cent’s ex-girlfriend Daphne Joy has accused the rapper of rape and physical abuse. This comes after 50 Cent filed legal paperwork to try and gain sole custody of their 11-year-old son, Sire. Joy took to Instagram to accuse 50 Cent of these heinous actions and stated that he has permanently damaged any hope she had for him as a father. She also criticized his co-parenting skills, claiming that he only saw their son ten times in the past two years when they lived just a mile away from each other in New York.

In response to Joy’s accusations, 50 Cent’s representative issued a statement to Page Six, stating that the allegations made by Joy are false and baseless. They claim that these accusations are a reaction to 50 Cent’s decision to seek sole custody of his son in order to protect him. The representative emphasizes that Sire’s safety and well-being are the rapper’s main priorities at this time. It seems that 50 Cent and Joy are now engaged in a legal battle over the custody of their son, following recent developments in the case involving Joy’s alleged involvement with Diddy.

Daphne Joy was recently named as one of three women who were alleged sex workers for Diddy in a lawsuit filed by Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones. The lawsuit, seeking $30 million in damages, accuses Diddy of sexually assaulting Jones and engaging in sex trafficking. Joy, along with Yung Miami and Jade Ramey, were said to be receiving a “monthly stipend” for their services from Diddy. Despite the denial of these allegations by Diddy’s former attorney, Shawn Holley, the situation has caused 50 Cent to go after sole custody of his son, Sire.

After details of the lawsuit emerged, 50 Cent took to social media to mock Joy over the allegations. While the exes have had moments of amicable co-parenting documented on social media, it seems that their relationship has now taken a contentious turn due to these legal issues. The situation between 50 Cent and Joy continues to evolve as the rapper seeks to protect his son from any potential harm. If anyone is affected by the topics raised in this story, there are resources available such as the Sexual Assault Hotline and the National Domestic Violence Hotline for support and assistance.

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