Jacob Kupietzky, the President of HealthCare Transformation, is dedicated to providing hospitals with experienced interim executives. He believes that trust is a critical component in the healthcare system. This trust is not only between patients and medical professionals but also between employees within an organization. Unfortunately, only 56% of employees say they trust their employer, showing a significant gap in internal trust within healthcare organizations. This two-way trust is essential for employee retention, team morale, and patient safety.

Kupietzky provides five ways for healthcare leaders to build and maintain trust with their employees. The first is to encourage feedback from frontline employees who have valuable insights into the organization’s operations. Less than half of employees surveyed actively share feedback, indicating a need for leaders to create a culture that promotes feedback. Being visible and interacting authentically with frontline employees is also essential for nurturing trust. Middle-level managers can help bridge communication gaps and provide insight into what is happening at the ground level.

Demonstrating empathy is a cornerstone of quality leadership and is essential for building trust with employees. Empathy boosts morale, nurtures inclusivity, and leads to greater creativity, efficiency, innovation, and job satisfaction. Trust within healthcare organizations is crucial as mistakes can have severe consequences. Leading with empathy encourages honesty and transparency, allowing employees to feel comfortable sharing necessary information with their leaders. Promoting mentorship and providing ongoing guidance to frontline employees can help them feel engaged and improve their performance.

Building and maintaining a culture of trust in healthcare organizations has numerous benefits. Trust between frontline employees and senior leaders is crucial for providing high-quality care to patients. By fostering trust, healthcare leaders can achieve their objectives, support employee retention, and ensure positive outcomes for all individuals involved. The Forbes Business Council is a leading organization for business owners and leaders, dedicated to growth and networking opportunities.

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