The CDU in Berlin has proposed lowering the age of criminal responsibility from 14 to 12 years as part of an eight-point plan to combat clan criminality. The party believes that early intervention with criminal children can lead to betterment and discipline. This decision comes after an increase in the number of children under 14 who are suspects in criminal activities. The concept of clan criminality being inherited has been raised as a concern.

The proposal aims to protect children from engaging in criminal activities that could potentially lead to a lifelong involvement in illegal actions. The focus is on preventive measures and discipline to guide children away from criminal paths, especially in light of the increase in violent crimes involving minors. The CDU suggests that existing youth care facilities and programs should be utilized more effectively to address these concerns rather than resorting to lowering the age of criminal responsibility.

The debate surrounding the proposal has sparked discussions among experts, with differing opinions on the effectiveness of such measures. While some argue that children below 14 should not be held criminally responsible, others believe that it is crucial to hold them accountable for their actions. The role of societal influences, such as exposure to violence through the media or cultural factors, has also been considered in the context of this proposal.

The CDU’s push to lower the age of criminal responsibility has faced opposition from other political factions, including the Greens and the SPD, who believe that the focus should be on addressing the root causes of criminal behavior rather than punitive measures. They advocate for increased investment in prevention programs and support for at-risk youth to steer them away from a life of crime. The importance of education and support for children in vulnerable situations has been emphasized in these discussions.

The proposal has also drawn criticism from the Left party, who view it as a populist move that targets societal fears rather than offering practical solutions. They argue that the responsibility lies with the government to provide adequate resources for education and support for children at risk of engaging in criminal activities. The CDU’s stance on the alleged heritability of criminal behavior has been condemned as reflective of a racist worldview.

The AfD has expressed support for the CDU’s proposal, attributing youth criminality to illegal migration and advocating for tougher measures to combat serious juvenile offenses. They believe that their party’s longstanding calls for stricter measures could have prevented the current issues surrounding youth crime. The debate around the age of criminal responsibility continues to be a topic of contention among political parties in Germany.

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