The derailment of a freight train near the Arizona-New Mexico state line has caused the closure of a stretch of Interstate 40. The incident occurred when a BNSF Railway train derailed near Lupton, Arizona, with about 35 rail cars still on the tracks, including some carrying non-odorous propane that caught fire. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, but approximately 40 residents within a two-mile radius of the site have been evacuated as a precaution due to thick smoke and potential hazards. Fire and rescue crews are working to extinguish the fire and contain any remaining fuel at the scene.

The closure of the eastbound lanes of Interstate 40 around Holbrook, Arizona, and the westbound lanes at Grants, New Mexico, has caused significant delays for travelers in the area. Authorities are advising people to seek alternative routes or postpone their travel plans until the interstate reopens. The timeline for reopening the affected stretch of the interstate is uncertain, as it will depend on when the fire is fully extinguished and any hazardous materials at the site are mitigated. An investigation is currently underway to determine the cause of the derailment and ensure it does not happen again in the future.

Efforts to extinguish the fire are ongoing, with a goal of putting it out before midnight on Saturday. Crews are working to remove wreckage from the tracks and contain the situation to prevent any further damage or environmental impact. Local firefighting units are responding to the incident, and measures are being taken to ensure the safety of nearby residents and the surrounding area. While no injuries have been reported, the potential risks posed by the derailment and ensuing fire are being managed by emergency response teams on the ground.

Residents in the vicinity of the derailment site are being evacuated as a precautionary measure, with authorities monitoring the situation closely. The evacuation remains in place until the fire is fully extinguished and any remaining fuel is contained. Heavy smoke from the fire has prompted concerns about air quality and potential health hazards, leading to the decision to evacuate residents within a two-mile radius. Emergency responders are working diligently to address these concerns and ensure the safety of everyone involved in the response to the derailment.

As the investigation into the cause of the derailment continues, authorities are emphasizing the importance of taking precautions to prevent similar incidents in the future. The closure of a major interstate highway due to the derailment highlights the potential impacts of such accidents on transportation and commerce in the region. It also serves as a reminder of the risks associated with transporting hazardous materials by rail and the need for stringent safety protocols to protect both the public and the environment. As efforts to address the aftermath of the derailment unfold, residents and travelers in the area are urged to stay informed and follow guidance from emergency officials to ensure their safety and well-being.

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