Craig David has revealed that he has been celibate for two years as he took a step back from intimacy to focus on healing his own issues. The break from sexual activity has been ‘good vibes’ for the singer, as he has managed to avoid drama and has found his creativity flourishing in the studio. He revealed that he made the decision to go celibate in June 2023 and has not engaged in any sexual activity for the past two years. Craig admitted that in the past, his womanizing ways and focus on one-night stands led to various traumas, and he hopes that taking a break from sex will help him mentally prepare for his next relationship.

The 43-year-old singer, who was known for boasting about his sex life in his hit single ‘7 Days’, confessed that he is a changed man and is not currently dating. He stated that he realized he needed to address his own issues and work on healing himself before being able to be open to someone else. This realization led to his decision to go celibate and take a step back from dating and sexual interactions. Craig expressed that at 42 years old, things are different for him, and he values deep conversations and genuine connections over casual encounters.

Craig David reflected on his past experiences with short-term relationships in his 20s and 30s, noting that he never found anything serious due to a fear of getting hurt that stemmed from a previous experience at 16. He acknowledged that at that age, he had never felt anything like that before, which caused his heart to close off. The singer emphasized the importance of taking the time to heal and prepare mentally for a new relationship from a good place. He believes that his two-year celibacy has allowed him to focus on his own growth and creativity without the distraction of intimacy.

Speaking on a podcast with Louis Theroux, Craig David discussed the impact of one-night stands and how they can lead to various traumas. He recognized the need to cut off sexual interactions in order to focus on his personal healing and growth. The singer expressed his desire to have genuine, meaningful conversations and connections with others, rather than continuing the same patterns he had followed in the past. Craig emphasized the importance of being in a good mental space before entering into a new relationship, and he hopes that his period of celibacy will help him achieve that.

In conclusion, Craig David’s decision to go celibate for two years has allowed him to focus on healing his own issues and preparing mentally for his next relationship. The singer, who was previously known for his womanizing ways, has acknowledged the importance of personal growth and emotional healing before entering into a new romantic partnership. By taking a step back from intimacy and casual encounters, Craig has found his creativity flourishing in the studio and has been able to avoid unnecessary drama. He hopes that his period of celibacy will lead to a deeper, more meaningful connection when he is ready to start dating again.

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