Actress Sair Khan, known for her role as Alya Nazir on Coronation Street, recently celebrated her baby shower in anticipation of her first child with partner Nathan Chilton. Khan shared photos from the event on Instagram, showing off her baby bump and the festivities. The day included a welcome sign, cream and silver balloons, and a beautiful cake with the message “We can barely wait.” Former Corrie star Tisha Merry also attended the shower and shared her excitement for Khan and Chilton as they embark on parenthood.

The road to parenthood has not been easy for Khan and Chilton, as Khan revealed that Chilton underwent surgery for a rare bone tumor known as chondroblastoma in his pelvis. Despite their challenges, the couple feels blessed and grateful for their pregnancy. Khan expressed gratitude and hope for peace amidst the world’s uncertainties and shared that last year was particularly difficult with Chilton’s surgery. The couple is navigating recovery and future obstacles together as they prepare to welcome their baby into the world.

The baby shower was a joyous occasion filled with love and support from friends and family. Khan, dressed in a cream sparkly dress, looked radiant as she cradled her bump and enjoyed the celebration. The presence of close friends like Tisha Merry added to the special atmosphere of the event, with Merry expressing her excitement to witness Khan and Chilton’s journey into parenthood. The day was filled with laughter, joy, and anticipation for the arrival of their little one.

Khan and Chilton’s journey to parenthood is a testament to their strength and resilience as a couple. The challenges they have faced, including Chilton’s health issues, have only strengthened their bond and their commitment to each other. With the love and support of their friends and family, they are ready to embrace this new chapter in their lives with open hearts and hopeful spirits. The baby shower was a beautiful celebration of this new beginning and the love that surrounds Khan and Chilton as they prepare to welcome their baby into the world.

As they await the arrival of their little one, Khan and Chilton are focused on cherishing the blessings in their lives and navigating the obstacles with grace and positivity. Their story is an inspiring reminder of the power of love and resilience in the face of adversity. With a baby on the way, Khan and Chilton are embarking on a new adventure filled with hope, joy, and the unwavering support of their loved ones. The baby shower was just the beginning of what promises to be a beautiful and heartwarming journey into parenthood for this radiant couple.

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