Corey Lewandowski has returned to the Trump campaign as an adviser for the Republican National Convention in July. This comes after Make America Great Again Action severed ties with Lewandowski in 2021 due to reports of unwanted sexual advances toward a donor. Lewandowski reached a deal with prosecutors to avoid a misdemeanor charge related to the alleged sexual harassment incident. Despite his past controversies, Lewandowski has already been compensated $20,000 for his role in the convention planning, according to a recent filing with the Federal Election Commission.

The National Review initially reported on Lewandowski’s new position, but he declined to comment on the matter when contacted by CNN. His return to the Trump campaign is part of a broader strategy to hire staunch Trump allies to help manage the delegate and convention process. Paul Manafort, Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman who was later pardoned, was also brought on as an adviser for the convention earlier this year. However, Manafort stepped down from the role following media scrutiny and questions about his involvement in the planning process.

Lewandowski’s involvement in the convention planning process signals a continuing reliance on loyal Trump allies within the campaign. Despite controversies surrounding his past behavior, Lewandowski’s reentry into the Trump campaign highlights the importance of maintaining a strong network of supporters and advisors. The decision to bring him back on board suggests a willingness to overlook past indiscretions in favor of loyalty to the former president.

The Trump campaign’s efforts to hire key allies like Lewandowski and Manafort reflect a desire to solidify support within the Republican Party ahead of the 2024 election. By bringing on experienced operatives with close ties to Trump, the campaign hopes to navigate the complex delegate and convention process successfully. However, the decision to hire individuals with controversial pasts, such as Lewandowski, may also prove to be a risky move that could potentially backfire.

Lewandowski’s return to the Trump campaign also raises questions about the party’s stance on accountability and transparency within its ranks. Despite facing allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct, Lewandowski has been brought back into a prominent role within the campaign without adequate explanations or accountability measures. This decision could invite criticism and scrutiny from both political opponents and internal party members who may question the party’s commitment to ethical standards and respect for victims of harassment.

As the convention planning process continues and the 2024 election draws nearer, the Trump campaign’s reliance on figures like Lewandowski and Manafort underscores its commitment to maintaining a loyal support base and leveraging past connections. However, the decision to prioritize loyalty over accountability and ethical considerations may pose challenges for the campaign moving forward. Ultimately, the inclusion of controversial figures within the campaign team could shape the public’s perception of the party and its leadership, impacting its success in future elections.

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