The City of Kelowna is taking steps to reclaim unused burial plots that were sold over 50 years ago at the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery. The cemetery is asking individuals who hold the Right of Interment Permit to these plots, or their immediate family members, to notify the cemetery of their intent to use, transfer, or surrender the permits by October 7. Without completing this reclamation project, cemeteries can end up with plots that go unused indefinitely, limiting the space available for new burials.

The permits in question were issued in 1973 or earlier, and often do not have detailed contact information for the purchaser or the information provided is no longer valid. If the original plot holder has passed away, an immediate family member may be eligible to use the permit for a casket burial. Reclamation of unused burial permits is a standard practice for cemeteries worldwide, and in British Columbia, it is regulated by the Cremation, Interment, and Funeral Services Act. This regulation allows cemeteries to reclaim permits that were sold 50 or more years prior after attempting to contact the original permit holder and waiting 90 days.

Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery provides individuals with five months to respond before the cemetery reclaims the permits. The purpose of this reclamation project is to ensure responsible management of cemetery land and to free up space for new burials. Many of these older permits have been forgotten about over the decades, or the owners may have already been interred elsewhere. By reclaiming these unused permits, the cemetery can make better use of its limited space and accommodate future burial needs in the community. Those who may be affected by this process are encouraged to contact the cemetery via email to discuss their options.

It is important for cities and cemeteries to regularly review and manage burial permits to ensure efficient use of limited cemetery space. By reclaiming unused permits that were sold many years ago, the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery can make room for new burials and ensure that all available plots are being utilized. Through the reclamation process, the cemetery can also ensure that the Right of Interment Permits are being used in accordance with the wishes of the original purchasers or their immediate family members. This proactive approach to cemetery management helps to address the challenges of space limitations and changing burial needs within the community.

The reclamation of unused burial plots sold over 50 years ago is part of a larger effort by the City of Kelowna to responsibly manage its cemetery land. By reclaiming these forgotten permits, the cemetery can create space for new burials and better meet the needs of the community for years to come. The process of reclaiming unused permits is a common practice in cemeteries around the world and is governed by regulations to ensure fairness and transparency. The Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery is taking proactive steps to address the issue of unused permits and ensure that its limited space is being utilized effectively for future burials. Those who may be affected by this reclamation project are encouraged to reach out to the cemetery to discuss their options before the October 7 deadline.

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